Japanese spider crab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Japanese spider crab has the greatest leg span of any arthropod, reaching 3.8 metres (12 ft) from claw to claw. The body may grow to a size of 40 cm or 16 in (carapace width) and the whole crab can weigh up to 19 kilograms (42 lb). The males have the
Useful Japanese phrases - Omniglot A collection of useful phrases in Japanese with sound files for some of them. ... (Have a good journey), よい旅行を (yoi ryokō o) ごきげんよう! (gokigen yō ...
Have a good trip. > よい旅[ご旅行]を; 気をつけてね - ProZ.com (KudoZ) English to Japanese translation of Have a good trip: よい旅[ご旅行]を; ... o) would be the translations for "have a good trip" that are used most frequently.
How do you say 'have a nice trip' in Japanese - Wiki Answers いいご旅行を : ii go ryokou wo : (means) have a nice trip. "Itterasshai" can also be used, but it literally ... Can you answer these English to Japanese questions?
How do you say Have a good trip in Japanese - Wiki Answers itterasshai is for shorter trips; kiwotsukete is for longer absences. I'm not a native Japanese speaker, but I did grow up speaking Japanese and am fluent. I have ...
How do you say "Have a nice trip" in Japanese? - Yahoo Answers 2009年12月11日 - Yoi goryokou wo ne! 良いご旅行をね。 You can see "mata sugu aou ne" which means, "see you soon!" またすぐ会おうね ...
How do i say Have a safe flight in Japanese? - Yahoo Answers 2008年6月25日 - This is often used to wish someone a nice/pleasent (and by implication "safe") trip. I've heard Japanese use it when saying goodbye at the ...
いってらっしゃい!Have a safe trip! | Jenn in Japan 2010年1月13日 - Today will be a post about Japanese phrases, wrapped around the context of a personal story. My cousins Bill and Shiori-chan are leaving ...
Nihongo Day By Day - English: Have a good weekend ! 2011年8月29日 - There is no good Japanese translation for "Have a good night". We never ... kudasai” (Enjoy your trip), instead of “yoi yasumi o” or “yoi ryoko o”.
Have a nice trip in Japan - WordReference Forums hi, everyone, one of my friends is about to go to Japan soon, I wanna say "Have a nice and safe trip in Japan, I will miss you" in Japanese, ...